The accessible SUP !♿

Since I started practicing surfing and later SUP, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many people, including some who, despite their disabilities, have found ways adapt the boards and SUP boards to their needs to continue nurturing their passion for sports.

Surfing and SUP without barriers!

Yes, both disciplines, with the right precautions and appropriate equipment modifications, are also accessible to people with disabilities. For those who may not know, we boast an Italian National Paralympic Surfing Team that annually participates in the European and World Championships (visit to learn more).

SUP Accessible Excursions to Lazzaretto Beach in Alghero
Through theexperience I have gained over the years, I have had the opportunity to apply some of the methods and tools I have learned to make SUP Ventura activities more accessible, thus contributing to this important cause.

For example, thanks to the use of the Sitpad seat( developed and patented by my friend Simone Mazzanti, it is possible to make a SUP lesson orhike in Sup accessible, in total safety, even to people with disabilities or reduced mobility. The peculiarity of the Sitpad is that it has a hard (but very comfortable) seat and is therefore safer than classic Kayak seats that have no side supports and are soft. This aspect is crucial for people who have spinal injuries in the upper spine and who often lack the use of the abdominal muscles that support the torso in cases of lateral imbalance.

But that’s not all! Thanks to this aid, it is possible to make a nice paddle in the crystal-clear waters of Lazzaretto Beach accessible, even to people who for whatever reason cannot stand for too long, and when necessary they can rest their legs by paddling comfortably seated.
Do not set limits for yourself!
To cite two representative cases, I once had the pleasure of taking three generations out to sea at the same time: son, father, and grandmother! This was possible because of the convenient option for grandma to be able to paddle both sitting and standing, and it was a beautiful excursion.
In the other case, a girl contacted me to arrange a SUP excursion with her friends, but one of them had a leg in a cast-“no problem,” I replied. With the help of a waterproof sock, the girl joined our SUP adventure unimpeded, and by the way, she was the one who had the most fun!

Finally, one of the most fun and exciting experiences was when my friend Matteo Salandri, an athlete of the Italian National Paralympic Surfing Team ( visually impaired category), came to visit me in Alghero.

In addition to the happiness of spending some time together, we were able to experiment with a special waterproof transmitter that allowed me to guide him, even in the distance, along the entire route. Thanks to this technology, we were able to take a beautiful hike up to the Lazaretto Tower.
Don’t set limits and come enjoy a great paddle with Sup Ventura!

You can find me at the Lazzaretto Beach in Alghero where the entrance to the beach is wheelchair accessible through the Restaurant Bar “La Torre” which, in addition, provides the “JOB” beach wheelchair allowing entry into the water in total freedom and safety.

I look forward to providing you with an unforgettable and barrier-free SUP experience!

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